Applications are accepted until January 15 20, 2024

Rules and Conditions (live)

Woodwind instruments

Competition categories

  • Flute
  • Oboe
  • Clarinet
  • Bassoon
  • Saxophone

Age groups / maximum time limit

(age of the participant on January 30, 2024)

Age group Maximum age Maximum duration of performance
Group A: up to 9 years old up to 9 min
Group B: up to 12 years old up to 15 min
Group C: up to 15 years old up to 20 min
Group D: up to 19 years old up to 15 min. for each round
Group E: up to 26 years old up to 20 min. for each round

Repertoire requirements

For groups A, B — at least two, maximum four pieces of different characters from different eras.

For group C — at least two, maximum four pieces of different characters from different eras, with the obligatory inclusion of composition of the Baroque or Classicism era in the program.

For groups D and E — at least one, maximum three pieces of different characters from different eras in each of the two rounds, with the obligatory inclusion in the program of compositions of the Baroque or Classicism era, as well as works by composers of the XX—XXI centuries.

Partricitapion fees

Age group Until January 15 20
Group А: 55€
Group B: 60 €
Group С: 65 €
Group D: 70 €
Group E: 75 €